Keywords: national economic interests, national economy, information economy


The article is devoted to the study of national economic interests in the processes of forming a progressive model of the economy. The author's definition of the category «economic interest» is provided from the standpoint of the accumulated theoretical and practical experience of scientific research. The entire variety of economic interests is classified according to the following classification features: according to the feature of object orientation; according to the stages of extended reproduction; according to the level of organization of the system of economic relations; by time sign; by ownership of factors of production. Such an approach will allow to ensure the comprehensiveness of the research and to study both individual aspects of interests and the entire problem in its aggregate manifestation. It has been proven that the functioning and implementation of each of the above interest groups is important in the processes of development of the national economy. It is noted that for the country, its economy, and the security of reproduction of the national product, social and economic stability, preservation of statehood and national identity, the national economic interest is of particular importance. It has been proven that in the modern dimension and global movement of information revolutions, information progress, and the model of the information economy is a priority. The author’s definition of the national model of the information economy is given, according to which it is a dynamic model that reflects the country’s economic system with vectors of movement towards the progress of the national economy and corresponding (selectively selected) development concepts under the influence of the transformational manifestation of economic interests based on: recognition of the priority of information resources, the development of innovative and information technologies, production of the latest knowledge in all spheres of the economy and society with appropriate (effective) strategic decisions, target programs and measures of corrective influence. Its characteristic features are recognized as: prioritization of information resource and knowledge; involvement of new information and innovative technologies in all spheres of life; global manifestation; flexibility and adaptability.


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