The article studies the peculiarities of strategic management of organizations in the system of improving the educational competencies of staff. The main tasks of strategic management of organizations in the system of staff development have been analyzed: assessment of staff educational competencies, determination of needs for staff development, development of a system for staff development, and implementation of a system for staff development. The principles of strategic management of organizations in the system of improving the educational competencies of staff, in particular, such as integrity, integration, and dynamism, have been established. The definition of the concept of «assessment of staff educational competencies in the context of strategic management of organizations» has been proposed. The most common methods for assessing the educational competencies of staff are highlighted: questionnaires, testing, interviews, and documentation analysis. The factors influencing the assessment of staff educational competencies have been identified (goals and objectives of the organization, current situation in the organization, and individual characteristics of the staff). The goals that determine the results of the assessment of staff educational competencies have been proposed. The need for improving the educational competencies of staff based on the results of the assessment of the educational competencies of staff has been established. The main stages of developing a system for improving the educational competencies of staff in the context of strategic management of organizations have been proposed (analysis of the organization's needs, development of goals and objectives, policy development, development of training programs, selection of training methods, development of a performance evaluation system). Examples of systems for improving the educational competencies of staff, which are popular in public organizations and business in Ukraine, has been given. The stages of implementing a system for improving the educational competencies of staff have been identified. The main measures that should be taken to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the system of improving the educational competencies of staff have been identified.
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