The article is devoted to topical issues of risk management to ensure the economic security of the enterprise. Attention is focused on the need to carry out work to ensure the stability and efficiency of the economic security of the enterprise. It was noted that the main goal of economic security is to create a basis for stable development and effective functioning of the enterprise. In particular, the main internal and external threats of the enterprise were determined, their impact on the state of the enterprise and, accordingly, its economic security was analyzed. It is noted that the list of threats to economic security is not exhaustive, this list will vary depending on the type of enterprise and the specifics of its activity. It is noted that awareness of internal and external threats to the economic security of the enterprise should become an important and priority task for management in order to create a sustainable and competitive business strategy. It is noted that the systemic approach to the management of the economic security and risks of the enterprise is the most correct and effective, because it considers management in an integral interconnected system. It was emphasized that enterprise risk management should become the primary task of the management of each organization, because the effectiveness of the entire organization depends on the timeliness of the decisions made regarding existing risks and their management. It was noted that the management of economic security is an important and versatile process that covers every aspect of the enterprise's activity, therefore it requires a combination of various management tools to avoid risks or minimize their consequences. It is emphasized that the ability to adapt to changes, manage risks and ensure effective internal functioning are key elements of a successful economic strategy of the enterprise. It was noted that in a dynamic economic environment, where threats can arise from different directions, strategic risk management and constant updating of the business plan are key factors for achieving stability and success of the enterprise.
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