Keywords: savings, households, system, state regulation, state regulation of households’ savings, state regulation system


Households’ savings play an important role in the national economy development, namely: it is these entities that can form significant amounts of investment and credit resources that they create in the system of financial institutions, attracting temporarily free funds from citizens of the country. State regulation is an important component of influencing the transformation of funds of economic entities into investment and credit resources through the financial mediation system in the country. The level of the accumulated households’ funds and the desire to provide these funds to financial institutions for temporary disposal also depends on the effectiveness of such regulation. Accordingly, the issues of building an effective system of this regulation are relevant and require research. The purpose of the article is to deepen theoretical provisions of the formation, functioning and transformation of the state regulation system of savings in Ukraine. In the article, theoretical provisions of the essence substantiation of the state regulation system of households’ savings are deepened. This was implemented through a detailed consideration of methodological provisions of the systematic approach and their further application to the study of the outlined type of state regulation. It was found that it is the application of this approach that allows to comprehensively consider the influence in the whole of public authorities on economic behavior of households. The content of the systematic approach is investigated through the analysis of the essence of the category “system”, the analysis of the approaches formed in the scientific literature to consider the nature of the systematic approach as a separate object of cognition. Important attention is also paid to the study of the essence of state regulation of households’ savings, which made it possible to substantiate the essence of this regulation system – a set of components that interact with each other, form a single space of regulations, which arise due to the influence of state authorities, local self-government bodies on economic behavior of households to form their own, temporarily free financial resources, which are not used for current consumption, but are saved to be used in the future.


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