The article states that the most important condition for the acceleration of the socio-economic development of Ukraine is the rational formation and effective use of personnel potential. This will make it possible to provide it with the necessary personnel potential capable of solving the set production and organizational tasks, as well as making the right decisions in a country with a complex, unstable economic situation that is rapidly changing. At the current stage, only personnel focused on continuous improvement will be able to adapt to changes in market conditions. This circumstance increases the requirements for all personnel work at enterprises. The purpose of the article is to investigate the features, problems and outline ways to improve the company's human resources management system in conditions of instability. The article examines theoretical approaches to determining the essence and components of personnel potential, systematizes its key characteristics, which are relevant in today's conditions of uncertainty. It is noted that war and martial law have a significant impact on the development of entrepreneurship, the labor market, and the conditions of staffing of enterprises. The main problems of the formation, development and implementation of personnel potential in conditions of instability and martial law were studied. The need to revise the personnel policy of enterprises, taking into account modern challenges in the direction of ensuring the adaptation of basic personnel functions to the conditions of martial law, approaches to planning work with personnel, evaluation, training, motivation of personnel and organization of their work in order to preserve personnel potential and its rational use, is substantiated. The main directions in working with personnel in conditions of instability and war are defined as: preservation and maintenance, adaptation of the workload, training and development through the use of effective training methods, such as coaching, e-learning and self-study, effective financial management and support of the psychological climate.
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