Keywords: Concept of Reduction of Anthropogenic Impact on the Hydrosphere, implementation of the Concept, public health, water use safety, methods, circular economy


The article summarises the problem to be solved in the process of developing the Concept of Reduction of Anthropogenic Impact on the Hydrosphere and defines the terms of its implementation. Threats to water security in wartime and their possible negative consequences are specified. The ways and means of solving the problem of reducing the anthropogenic impact on the hydrosphere are systematised. The paper identifies short-term and long-term results of the Concept's implementation for the national economy, health of the Ukrainian population, and the ecological state of the environment. Emphasis is placed on the necessary financial, material and technical, labour resources for the implementation of the Concept in wartime and the relevant technical, organisational, financial and credit measures. It is noted that one of the most important directions of implementation of the Concept is detection, prevention, neutralisation of threats of water resources pollution, and preservation of access to water resources for the population of Ukraine and business entities. The short-term and long-term goals of the Concept are specified. The long-term goals include maintaining guaranteed universal and equal access to safe and affordable water resources, improving water quality by eliminating the discharge of untreated waste into aquifers and surface waterways, minimising hazardous chemicals and materials in wastewater, increasing the efficiency of water use in all sectors, addressing water scarcity, protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems, etc. It is concluded that the problems of water resources pollution can be solved by implementing the State policy in the field of water use safety in the process of carrying out a group of technical, organisational, financial and credit measures, consolidating the efforts of state authorities, management, local self-government bodies, environmental protection organisations, public organisations and the population. The use of the conceptual provisions of ensuring the safety of water use will allow to formulate the necessary algorithms for making managerial decisions and approaches to water protection measures, public health, ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being, and delimiting the powers of state and local authorities.


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