Effective monitoring and control of sustainable development parameters within regions, integral components of the national complex, are vital for shaping and executing policies aligned with sustainable development goals at both regional and national levels. Despite this significance, the most recent assessments of Ukrainian regions date back to 2018. This paper aims to evaluate the sustainable development of regions, analysing the indicators' variations during wartime and identifying determining factors. Utilising data from the State Statistics Service and regions’ ecological passports covering 2013-2021, a methodical approach is developed for assessing regional sustainable development. This approach combines components of the human development index with the integral environmental quality indicator. The study reveals the adverse effects of military operations on all regions, demonstrating a consistent decline in the sustainable development index across Ukraine during 2014-2017. Only a limited number of regions managed to recover in 2021, improving the indicator compared to 2013. Notably, the economic sphere and population health emerged as the most vulnerable aspects. In 2021, no region managed to restore indicators such as per capita available income, life expectancy at birth, and employment to the levels observed in 2013. However, a positive trend is observed in the realm of education, with most regions experiencing a significant increase in education coverage. It is noteworthy that the improvement in the environmental component seems to be a consequence of economic downturn rather than a deliberate policy outcome. These findings emphasise the need for a green transformation in the technological foundation of the regional economy and the concurrent improvement of regional policies. This sets the direction for further comprehensive research into regional development. In this context, examining factors contributing to the spatial variation of sustainable development parameters in regions is also essential to support the formulation of decisions conducive to achieving sustainable development goals.
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