Keywords: bank deposits, IGLB, monetary policy, debt policy, discount rate


A comprehensive comparison of domestic government bonds and bank deposits as investment tools for individuals and legal entities was made. The dynamics of weighted average rates on IGLBs, rates on deposits and the discount rate of the NBU is studied. The authors determined that the current level of interest rates on IGLBs in Ukraine is significantly overstated. Using correlation-regression analysis, the relationship between the weighted average rate on IGLBs and the NBU discount rate was investigated: the value of the correlation coefficient is 0.528, which indicates that there is a direct noticeable relationship between the analyzed variables. Assessing Fisher's F-test, it was found that 27.91% of the change in the value of the weighted average rate on IGLBs was caused by the change in the NBU discount rate. The importance of IGLBs as a debt and monetary instrument in modern conditions is substantiated. The structure of IGLBs owners is considered and the reasons for the high share of owners – banks, and low – individuals and legal entities are substantiated. The authors draw attention to the risk of the influence of non-resident IGLBs owners on the formation of the exchange rate in Ukraine. The volume of IGLBs owned by individuals and the volumes of the deposit portfolio of individuals and legal entities were compared. The advantages of IGLBs over bank deposits are substantiated: high degree of reliability (state guarantees full repayment of IGLBs, while deposit only UAH 200 thousand), absence of taxation of IGLBs income (taxes on income from deposits are 19.5 % of income), higher profitability and the ability to record long-term profitability. The main obstacles to investing in IGLBs are highlighted (complicated procedure for purchasing such securities, high transaction costs, the need to file a tax return and a high threshold for entry into securities). Given the priority of using IGLBs as a debt instrument in the coming years, it is necessary to continue to encourage the population to invest in IGLBs.To encourage investments in IGLBs, it is necessary to cancel the submission of declarations and simplify customer identification using Bank ID.


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How to Cite
Matviichuk, N., Tesliuk, S., & Borychevska, I. (2021). BANK DEPOSITS AND IGLBS AS ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT OBJECTS. Economy and Society, (25).