The article examines modern approaches and concepts used to assess the competitiveness of the high-tech sector of Ukraine and other countries of the world. The importance of the development of international technology transfer as one of the stimulators of increasing the international competitiveness of high-tech enterprises is revealed, the main problems that currently prevent the effective implementation of international technology transfer are given, which include problems of commercialization, funding of research and development, legal obstacles and the imperfection of the technology incubation system. The study substantiates various methods and indicators, including innovativeness, research activity, availability of specialists, infrastructure, and other aspects that affect competitiveness in the field of high technologies. The study also examines important findings and comparisons between Ukraine and other countries in this context, identifying prospects and opportunities for further development of the high-tech sector. Thus, after conducting an analysis of the level of competitiveness of domestic high-tech enterprises, a list of problems preventing its improvement at the level of human resources, infrastructure problems, financial resources, technological resources problems was formulated and general directions for their solution were proposed. It has been established that the main indicator that provides a general understanding of a country's competitiveness at the international level is the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), which is comprehensive and reflects the microeconomic and macroeconomic foundations of national competitiveness, so competitiveness as a set of institutions, policies and factors determines the country's productivity level , the main directions of increasing the international competitiveness of high-tech enterprises are the stabilization of the political and economic situation; making changes to legislation, namely improving the judicial system; as well as raising the standard of living of citizens in general.
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