Keywords: local budgets, financial independence, competitiveness, revenue part of the budget, state of war, territorial communities, region, financial provision, regional development, budget analysis


The relevance of the research lies in the ongoing challenges faced by regions in the context of a state of war. One of the key aspects of ensuring sustainable regional development is their financial independence and competitiveness, especially in times of financial difficulties. This article is dedicated to analyzing the revenues of local budgets and determining their role in ensuring the financial independence and competitiveness of Ukrainian territories. The research aims to conduct an analysis of the revenue part of local budgets in Ukraine and establish the main trends before the onset of the war and during the state of war. The primary objective is to define the role of the revenue part of budgets in ensuring financial independence and the revitalization of regions during the most vulnerable times. The article elucidates the essence and functions of local budgets, particularly their role in ensuring financial stability and the ability to meet the needs of territorial communities. The concept of competitiveness is also discussed, defined as the region's capacity to effectively compete in the market, attract investments, and ensure sustainable economic growth. Additionally, the concept of financial independence is explored, indicating the ability of territorial communities to function with less significant dependence on the central government and meet their financial needs. The research analyzes the trends in the formation of the revenue part of local budgets before the onset of the war and during the state of war. It provides a detailed analysis of the structure of the revenue part of local budgets and its components. The impact of the state of war on the financial stability of regions and the functioning of their budgets is revealed. Moreover, it substantiates potential approaches to strengthen financial independence and restore competitiveness in the conditions of war. The findings of this research can be utilized in the process of shaping and executing local budgets, as well as in financially supporting territorial communities. The conclusions underscore the significance of the revenue part of budgets in ensuring financial stability and competitiveness of regions during wartime conditions and emphasize the necessity for further research in this direction to achieve sustainable development of territories in challenging circumstances.


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How to Cite
Tsymbaliuk, I., Pavlikha, N., & Korneliuk, O. (2023). LOCAL BUDGETS AS THE BASIS FOR FINANCIAL AUTONOMY AND TERRITORIAL COMPETITIVENESS. Economy and Society, (55). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-55-107