The purpose of the article is to study the essence of consumer behavior management using neuromarketing technologies. It was noted that in modern conditions, the attention of the consumer audience to traditional means of advertising is decreasing, reducing their effectiveness. This situation determines the interest of market participants in new approaches to researching the behavioral reactions of buyers, studying their thoughts and preferences, and using non-standard tools to influence potential customers, quick response to changes in their moods. The effectiveness of neuromarketing, which focuses on understanding the interaction of cognition and emotions in consumer behavior, has been proven, allowing for the formation of a consumer image and a model of influence on it. Neuromarketing has been found to be complex in nature, combining neuropsychology, psychophysics, neurophysiology and marketing to manage consumer behavior. It is noted that the object of neuromarketing research is the variety of spontaneous human reactions to various influences that often occur at the subconscious level and the analysis of the changes caused by them It has been proven that consumers are able to make decisions not only based on considerations of a rational nature, but also due to emotions caused by external influences (product quality, perception of color, aroma, sounds, images, etc.), which are very difficult for him to control, and sometimes and impossible. Factors capable of affecting consumer behavior are characterized. It is noted that in order to analyze such processes, neuromarketing research methods are used, which, along with psychological methods (surveys and observations), allow modeling of mental states, rely on medical methods, which gives objectivity to the results of understanding consumer behavior, increasing the effectiveness of marketing research. The methods used in neuromarketing research are described. It is noted that the introduction of neuromarketing technologies is implemented through channels that allow influencing consumer behavior. Their main types (visualization, smell, sound, hearing, touch) were studied. Attention is focused on the spread of practical use of neuromarketing technologies. It was noted that large companies are creating their own structural units and laboratories that work in this direction. But most enterprises use the services of specialized organizations due to the high cost of such experiments. Attention is drawn to the reasons that inhibit the further development and use of neuromarketing technologies at the current stage.
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