Responsible consumption and production is the way to sustainable development of society, saving the planet from environmental catastrophe. For the fashion industry, the most significant from the point of view of achieving sustainable development are the improvement of product quality, the use of modern materials and biotechnologies, free-cycling, up-cycling, recycling, creation and certification of environmental management systems, and the greening of quality management. Today, the modern consumer pays attention to such aspects as the conditions of product manufacturing and the manufacturer's compliance with the policy of sustainable development, which includes: the impact of production on the environment, social responsibility of the manufacturer, proper working conditions of employees, compliance with business ethics, etc. Humanity's responsibility to the environment is when people consume moderately, while the quality of life increases, and manufacturers do not increase the volume of production of goods and use environmentally friendly technologies. Smart clothes, invisible clothes, children's clothes that grow with children are modern eco-trends in the fashion industry that require development and support from both the state and the entire society. Artificial intelligence is used to forecast fashion trends and increase production efficiency. Biotechnologies make it possible to produce artificial leather and other materials for the upper and lower of shoes from non-traditional raw materials - technical milk, mushroom roots, beet pulp, carrots, banana peels, etc. For Ukraine, as an agricultural country, the direction of biotechnology is promising, as it will make it possible not to throw away agricultural waste, but to use it in the fashion industry. The most appropriate methods of environmentalization of quality management at enterprises of the fashion industry are the implementation of the lean production system plus the six sigma method, which refer to preventive methods of environmentalization. Voluntary certification of products and management systems, monitoring and auditing of the state of the environment should be highlighted among the information and analytical methods of environmentalization of quality management. The liquidation-restorative direction of environmentalization of quality management is represented by such methods as utilization and processing of waste, methods of free-cycling, up-cycling, recycling, down-cycling.
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