The article is devoted to topical issues of identification and problem solving in the field of management of the internal environment of startups. The relevance is confirmed by the important role that startups will play in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine due to their ability to be drivers of success in the priority sectors of the Ukrainian economy, as well as by the fact that the scientific and methodological support for the management of startups is insufficiently developed. According to the Startup Ranking portal, the first place in the world in terms of the number of startups is occupied by the United States, with 76,903 startups. The top five also include India, Great Britain, Canada and Australia. Ukraine has 373 startups and is one position higher than South Korea, which indicates the relevance and importance for our country of deepening the scientific basis of managing problematic aspects of startups.A startup is formed and functions within its internal and external environments. It has been proven that the internal environment of a startup is a complex system aimed at the formation of unique knowledge and competencies specific to each startup. The theory of dynamic competencies and capabilities can be considered as a theoretical basis for managing the internal environment of a startup. According to it, a startup will be successful, within which management solutions will be implemented to create dynamic opportunities, provided with innovative products and services and related routines. Throughout the life cycle of a startup, unique knowledge and skills (technological, management, marketing) are accumulated thanks to the practical experience gained. These processes should ultimately form distinctive competitive advantages of the startup.The article identifies problematic aspects in the field of management of the startup's internal environment and possible ways to solve them. Different management tools can be implemented at different stages of a startup's life cycle, and as a result of its implementation, a knowledge base must be created that will provide competitive advantages in the current market situation, the potential for discovering and implementing new technologies, management solutions, and the ability to generate new trends in innovative development.
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