The economy of the country and its regions faces the problem of ensuring a high level of productivity and employment and creating conditions for an increase in the level and quality of life of the population. At the same time, the priority is not economic, but inclusive development of the economy at the regional level. Interest in the inclusive development of the economy of individual regions is due to the strengthening of competition between regions at the national and international levels. The article examines the essence of such economic categories as: inclusive economy, inclusive development, inclusive growth, competitive advantages of the regional economy, competitiveness of the regional economy. The importance of applying an inclusive approach to economic development at the regional level is highlighted. The article examines the basic conditions of inclusive growth. The directions of inclusive development of the economy at the regional level have been determined. Attention is focused on the role of the human capital in the development of an inclusive economy and in the formation of competitive advantages of the region's economy. It was determined that human capital is one of the most important socio-economic categories that ensures inclusive development and forms the competitive advantages of the region's economy. Inclusive development is primarily aimed at the quantitative and qualitative growth of human capital. Implementation of the principles of inclusive development will make it possible to strengthen the competitiveness of the region's economy. Human capital as the main source of competitive advantages of the region's economy includes the ability to produce innovations, cultural and intellectual potential. In connection with the strengthening of decentralization processes and the growth of the role of regions in competitive relations, the question of introducing an inclusive approach to the formation of competitive advantages of the economy at the regional level arises. The purpose of the article is to highlight the essence of inclusive economy and inclusive development and its role in the formation of competitive advantages of the region's economy.
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