Keywords: labor potential formation, labor potential assessment, HR technology, human capital development


The article addresses the pressing issue of the absence of unified methodological approaches and a real database for conducting a contemporary assessment of labor potential in Ukraine. The main reasons behind this include: occupied territories, loss of life, massive population and business displacement, internal and external migration, a shortage of experts and resources for the registration and evaluation of objective modern processes. In order to comprehensively assess the labor potential of the national economy, a study of quantitative and qualitative parameters of Ukraine's population as labor force carriers was conducted for the pre-war period of 2019-2021. The assessment revealed a deterioration of Ukraine's human potential manifested in an aging population, decreased employment rates, increased unemployment, and a decline in the quality and competitiveness of the workforce. It was established that prior to the war in 2022, the labor force of the national economy was decreasing annually by 250-300 thousand individuals, with only 60% of the labor potential being utilized. In the face of contemporary challenges and war, unemployment levels have significantly risen, particularly affecting private businesses, leading to a decrease in real wages and a deterioration in quality of life. The country was weakened both in terms of human resources and economically. The state of martial law implemented since February 2022 in Ukraine reduced the available labor potential from 17 million individuals in 2021 to 12 million in 2023. Utilizing information-analytical data from the UN, the International Organization for Migration, and research results from the M.V. Ptukha Institute of Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, an assessment of the population and labor potential of Ukraine in 2023 was conducted. The primary challenges in the use of modern HR technology tools in the conditions of the current challenges of war in Ukraine were identified. These include: loss of contact, mutual discord, and understanding within labor collectives due to the diversity of personnel experience in wartime conditions; different living and working conditions for individuals, leading to conflicts, toxicity, and aggression; work providing a distraction from the negative realities of war, but leading to rapid burnout and disruption of work-life balance; a deficit of informal communication within labor collectives, with shifts in values resulting from contemporary challenges necessitating fair adjustments to norms, compensation, and rewards for each employee. In order to effectively utilize labor potential, it is recommended to apply modern HR technology tools to intensively enhance work output, ensure productive employment, and develop the potential capabilities of personnel.


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How to Cite
Kilnitska, O., Yaremova, M., & Sushytska, O. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF LABOR POTENTIAL AND MODERN HR TECHNOLOGIES IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (55).