The theoretical and applied research on the relationship of society with nature is becoming increasingly important because of the deteriorating ecological conditions on the planet. Practical guides for sustainable development have been developed and implemented in some Western countries. National sustainable development goals must be integrated with global efforts aimed at achieving economic growth of the state, social justice and rational use of nature. There is a need to improve the system of national statistics to fairly assess social progress and the contribution of individual economic entities to the implementation of sustainable operation tasks. For the formation of statistical indicators on environmental activities, we consider it necessary to improve the accounting system towards its greening, in particular, in terms of business transactions related to natural resources and the environment as well as their results. The article aims toresearch the essence of environmental accounting, theoretical and methodological bases of its organization to provide internal and external users with the necessary information about the interaction of the business entity with nature in the context of sustainable development of the enterprise. The article is based on general scientific methods of cognition, namely: empirical (observation and description) and theoretical (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization). Accounting is an independent applied economic science with its own specific methods (techniques). The logic of the implementation of the authors' recommendations in solving practical aspects of the problem is developed on that basis. The introduction of environmental accounting as an effective tool of enterprise management in the direction of solving ecological problems is proposed on the grounds of the terminological apparatus in environmental economics. The authors generalize and clarify the theoretical and methodological foundations of its organization, which will provide interested users with information about the natural resource potential of enterprises and the results of interaction with the natural environment. The levels of regulation of environmental accounting and the problems of its implementation at enterprises in modern economic conditions are determined. The main tasks and objects of accounting are specified, offers on the formation of indicators for the satisfaction of information inquiries of users in the context of realization of conceptual bases of sustainable development are described. The result of the study is the justification of the need to introduce environmental accounting in enterprises, the definition of the main objects of such accounting and the requirements for the information it produces. The organizational aspects of environmental accounting as a holistic system using separate primary documents, analytical and synthetic registers, and business accounts are offered, which allows to fully reflect the interaction of economic activity of the enterprise and environmental safety.
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