• Nataliia Kosar L’viv Polytechnic National University
  • Nataliia Kuzo L’viv Polytechnic National University
  • Liliia Bohonis L’viv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: positioning, differentiation of the market offer, marketing agency, service promotion in social networks, corporate website


In the conditions of saturation of commodity markets in order to stand out among competitors and to occupy the desired place in consciousness of both target consumers and other market participants, the enterprises focus their efforts on the differentiation of market proposals, which are realized because of their positioning in the market. The formation of positioning strategies and the selection of relevant features largely depend on the specifics of the industry in which the enterprise and selected target segments operate. To a large extent, the positioning of an enterprise in the market is determined by the positioning of its goods. It is established that marketing consulting in the branch structure of the consulting services market is about 20%. For positioning of marketing agencies it is important to make an assessment of the importance of the factors of choice of the enterprise by consumers. It is determined that the main factors of the choice of a marketing agency by consumers are the following: the quality of services provided; the image of the agency in the market; the availability of services for consumers in the territorial aspect and proper communication with potential clients; offered assortment of services; level of prices for services, competence and qualification of staff, informative and attractive design of the site. Research has shown that its main competitors in the city of L’viv are Digital Insight, Dolphin Team, KADDIRECT, Leosvit, WebPROFIT Ukraine, Reklamin, Webbik. The scheme of positioning a marketing agency can be built on the basis of the variety of services that they offer and prices for them. The analysis showed that all agencies have a promotion service in social networks, so the positioning for the marketing agency Smart Promotion was carried out on the promotion service in social networks. An assessment of the quality level was determined by a survey of Smart Promotion marketing staff. The results of the study showed that the best position in the quality of the services under research is taken by the marketing agencies Digital Insight and Leosvit. However, taking into account the “price-quality” indicators, the marketing campaign Smart Promotion and KADDIRECT take the optimal position. In the system of positioning a marketing agency in the market, the informative and full content of the corporate site is important. The comparative characteristics of the corporate websites of the investigated marketing agencies were made using the online service GTmetrix.com and presented on such criteria as page load speed, total page size, number of requests, page speed estimation, and slowness estimation. The top position in evaluating the speed of downloading a corporate website is by the investigated marketing agency Smart Promotion, but the site should be optimized, reducing the amount of pages and increasing the download speed.


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How to Cite
Kosar, N., Kuzo, N., & Bohonis, L. (2020). FEATURES OF MARKET POSITIONING OF MARKETING AGENCIES IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (21). Retrieved from https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/29