Within the framework of this scientific article, the theoretical essence of logistics and logistics operations is revealed. The approaches of modern authors (economists) to the definition of this category are disclosed. Updated type classification of logistics operations in the market economy at the current stage of development in the conditions of globalization of the world economic space. The key features of logistics operations in the Ukrainian economy in the conditions of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine are identified. The main problems and prospects for further development in this area in the modern conditions of martial law and partial "blockade" of certain directions of logistics operations by the russian federation are identified. Formulated perspectives of further research within the framework of this research work. Logistics activity in the modern economy plays an extremely important role and affects all aspects of business and global processes. At the current stage of development, when the world economy has become more globalized, competitive and customer-oriented, logistics has become an invisible part of successful business. Also, logistics helps to optimize the supply, storage and distribution of goods and services, reduces unnecessary costs, increases productivity and improves the quality of customer service. It helps to improve production efficiency and reduce costs, as it allows you to optimize stocks, minimize delays in deliveries and improve product quality. In addition, logistics plays an important role in sustainable development, helping to reduce environmental impact by optimizing transport and waste management. In general, logistics is a key element of the modern economy, contributing to its stable and sustainable development, ensuring the satisfaction of customer needs and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. Logistics at the modern stage of economic development has become more important than ever before, thanks to the development of information technologies, global trade and the growing demand for consumer goods. Effective logistics management allows companies to reduce costs, speed up deliveries and improve service quality, which are key factors in a competitive environment. In general, logistics helps ensure the timely supply of raw materials and finished products, which contributes to the stability of production and the satisfaction of consumer needs. In addition, logistics ensures optimal use of resources, minimization of the negative impact on the environment and increases the level of security in supply chains. In light of this, logistics remains a key element of successful economic activity at the current stage.
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