Keywords: receivables, debtor, accounting, classification, accounting policies, factors, recognition and measurement


The article investigates the theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of receivables accounting. In modern conditions, it is necessary to accurately reflect the calculations with debtors, which will rationally use the financial resources of the enterprise and the national economy as a whole. When considering receivables, it is necessary to control the causes of bad and overdue debts. In addition, it is necessary to control the correctness and timeliness of the inventory of receivables. Controlling the receivables of the enterprise, it is necessary to check the correctness of its assignment to prevent unjustified reduction of taxable profits of enterprises. The economic essence of receivables and its occurrence in modern business conditions is considered. The classification features of receivables are reflected. Particular attention is paid to the formation of accounting policies in terms of receivables. Its main elements that need to be disclosed in the Order on the accounting policy of the enterprise are given. Factors influencing the emergence and increase of receivables in the enterprise are grouped. Ways to improve the organization of accounting for receivables through additional conditions of commercial lending, the introduction of analytical and sub-accounts in the work plan of the company's accounts. The considered ways of improvement of the organization of accounting promote increase of efficiency of a managerial aspect of receivables. Effective management of receivables has a significant impact on liquidity, on the overall financial stability of the enterprise. Enterprises, taking into account the specifics of the activity, the set goals, within the current legislation must independently form a system of accounting for receivables. This will ensure the formation of reliable, efficient and high-quality information for receivables management. Such information within the debtor's management regarding its size and term of receipt is received by interested external and internal users for making appropriate decisions. In addition to the organization of debtors, the department provides control over the financial condition and performance of the enterprise. The article considers the main directions in the organization of receivables management and summarizes the results of incomplete receivables management. This article also substantiated the main types of receivables and the features of their impact. This article also considered the impossibility of choosing reliable and solvent potential buyers and consumers. Ways to improve receivables are defined in this article. The methodological and informational basis of this work is Internet resources, regulations, periodicals and scientific papers.


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How to Cite
KravchenkoО., & Kobets, T. (2021). ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTING RECEIVABLES AND WAYS OF ITS IMPROVEMENT. Economy and Society, (25).