Keywords: food security, strategy, war, strategic plan, post-war recovery, sustainability of supply


The article is devoted to the research and development of a strategy for ensuring food security in conditions of war. In modern conditions, this topic is of particular relevance for Ukraine, as it faces various challenges and difficulties in the context of geopolitical conflicts and instability. The article is aimed at studying approaches to solving the problems of ensuring food security in the conditions of hostilities and developing an optimal strategy that takes into account military circumstances and ensures a sustainable supply of food to the population. The research process was based on the analysis of relevant literature, documents and existing food security strategies. The main novelty of the article is the developed strategic plan for food security for the period of post-war recovery. Taking into account the strategic directions developed to ensure food security in the context of post-war recovery, and taking into account the strategic plan for 2030, it is important to note that this plan corresponds to the current situation and takes into account the need to adapt to the challenges of post-war recovery. The results of the study indicate the importance of taking into account the military situation and features of the post-war recovery in the formation of the food security strategy. The first stage involves restoring infrastructure and means of production, providing food assistance and attracting investment. The importance of training qualified specialists and ensuring the safety of agricultural land is also emphasized. The second stage is aimed at strengthening food security and includes the development of crisis response systems, encouraging innovation in agriculture, cooperation with international partners, strengthening food markets and environmental protection. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the developed strategic plan by authorities and public organizations to ensure sustainable access of the population to food in conditions of conflict and war.


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How to Cite
Kryvokhyzha, Y., Bashlay, S., & Kurylo, Y. (2023). STRATEGY FOR ENSURING FOOD SECURITY OF UKRAINE IN WAR CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (55).