The article is dedicated to the current issues in the development of digital tools for higher education institutions in the context of EdTech advancement. Today, digitalization of education and science stands as a top priority in the effective development of a digital society in Ukraine. This matter remains particularly relevant in Ukraine due to the military actions taking place in the country. As a result, most educational institutions, including higher education establishments, continue to utilize remote learning and implement modern innovative digital solutions in education. Distance education has experienced significant growth in recent years, accelerating the development of the EdTech sector both globally and in Ukraine. Digital technologies in education represent not only tools for further development but also new opportunities to support communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. Based on research conducted on existing digital tools for higher education institutions, a modern digital tool for higher education in the context of digital education transformation has been proposed and justified. This digital tool, a web platform and mobile application named «StudDiary», serves as an electronic diary for students of higher education. The concept of this IT product is presented using the Lean Canvas model, and a prototype of the IT product has been developed. The target audience has been defined (the profile of potential users has been created), the user problem that the proposed IT product will solve has been investigated, the competitive environment has been examined, and the uniqueness and value of this IT product for users have been determined. Additionally, the functionality of the IT product has been outlined, and the business model, promotion methods, and the use of digital marketing tools, marketing, and analytical metrics have been justified. This IT product represents a modern digital tool for higher education institutions. It simplifies administrative work by automating certain processes and enhances the convenience of learning for higher education students by consolidating educational information in one place. It enables students to effectively manage their time, communicate with instructors, and track their progress. Moreover, it improves the provision of educational services by higher education institutions in the context of digital education transformation.
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