Keywords: polarization, tax capacity, subsidiarity, inter-municipal cooperation, water policy, ecological-social-economic systems


Systematization of spatiality treatment within sustainability literature is still incomplete. While the widespread application of sustainable spatial development concept does not preclude consideration of national rather than sub-national actors and levels of governance, the institutional requirements for maintaining network-based resilience, project-oriented development policy and creation of territorial innovation systems nevertheless constrain the theoretical perspective by emphasizing urban and territorial management of functional concentration processes within the societal space. However, empirical evidence from the war-torn Ukrainian regions and the interdisciplinary theoretical approaches towards sustainability-oriented transformation both suggest close attention to nation-level policy principles and institutional arrangements for materialization of communities’ agency under heavy deterioration of their fiscal capacity, as well as under sector-based distribution of international aid. This paper aims to demonstrate the need to enhance the subsidiarity principle through re-conceptualization of spatial sustainability beyond the prevalent spatial development context and the paternalistic spatial planning practices. It contributes by reviewing a number of sustainability-related post-war recovery issues with a strongly pronounced aspect of spatial disproportion and interrelatedness, which, in their turn, require dedicated institutional solutions because of this spatial complexity. We apply the pillars framework of viability, equitability and bearability to structure the interdisciplinary sustainability concept around the context of nation-wide regulatory requirements. We report increases in a measured tax capacity polarization coefficient for two deoccupied regions of Northern Ukraine and identify a number of the related challenges within the context of fiscal equalization, inter-municipal cooperation, water use policy, and ecological-social-economic systems’ sustainability. These findings, while serving primarily as a request for further research, immediately demand the requirements of spatial structural proportionality to be taken into account in decision-making on fiscal capacity-building, development projects approval, resource policy implementation, monitoring and impact assessment on all levels.


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