Keywords: industry, branch, enterprise, production, crisis


This article analyzes the crisis state of Ukraine's industry during the war and provides information on the study of its main sub-sectors, namely: metallurgy, electric power, fuel, gas industry, light, machine-building industry and metalworking, forestry, woodworking industry, building materials, food industry. Each branch of the economy, the standard of living of the population, the economic development of the country and its participation in the world trade organization depend on the industrial sector. The profit obtained from the sale of industrial products constitutes a significant part of the GDP, and due to the war in Ukraine, which highlighted the weak points of the economy, the Ukrainian industry suffers various losses. The main task of the industry in the short and long term is not only to survive, but also to recover and create conditions for economic integration into the European market. That is why this topic is relevant. The structure of electricity consumption, the possibility of restoration and protection of energy facilities, the development of energy efficiency, and the improvement of own energy independence are considered. An analysis of the capacity utilization of processing industry enterprises for 2021-2023 was carried out. The dynamics of two main indicators of business expectations for industry are considered: the business confidence indicator and the business climate indicator in industry in 2020-2023. The analysis of the current state of Ukraine's industry shows that entire industries have become hostages of war, given the disruption of supply chains, the blockade of sea routes of export, the decrease in demand, the rise in prices for raw materials and materials, the lack of working capital, fuel, occupational hazards, etc. Despite the negative situation, we have optimistic expectations in all branches of industry. The Ukrainian economy is gradually adapting to the force majeure economic conditions. Positive trends were demonstrated by the absolute majority of types of economic activity. It is also necessary to create conditions for attracting investments and deploying high-tech production.


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How to Cite
Vyshnia, T. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE IN CRISIS CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (55).