The article is devoted to the substantiation of the theoretical and conceptual basis of the study of forced population migration. Approaches to the essential and meaningful understanding and interpretation of such related categories as forced migrants, refugees, persons with temporary protection are systematized. A typology of forced migration processes was carried out according to various signs of their manifestation: the cause of occurrence, the form of organization of legal relations, the method of formation, the legal status of migrants, the scale of distribution, the subject of migration, the geographic vector of the direction of migration flows, the level of managerial influence of state authorities. The signs and regularities of voluntary and forced population migration are summarized. In particular, the prerequisites for increasing the migratory activity of the population of voluntary migration are significant gaps in the socio-economic development of the territories of donors and recipients of human resources, while forced migration is the deterioration of the security situation, the existence of risks and threats to human life. It is concluded that forced migration is characterized by a low level of controllability and predictability of the scale and direction of the movement of human resources, and the consequences for demographic development can be critical and threaten the national security of the countries-donors of human resources in connection with the scale of the volume of migration, the degradation of the eco-settlement space as a result departure of the majority of residents, acceleration of population aging processes and shortening of its average life expectancy. At the same time, forced migration does not contribute to the improvement of the material situation in the short term and, as a result, leads to the loss of social status and the destruction of the well-being of migrants. Since forced migration inhibits the processes of socio-demographic development of territories that are donors of human resources, this actualizes the need for further substantiation of methodological approaches to impact assessment forced population migration on the main determinants of demographic security and parameters of human potential development.
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