The article examines the scientific topical issues on the maintenance of accounting and analytical data of the information system of the bakery plant. The means of improving the level of use of digital technologies in the food industry are given. Considered the functional capabilities of the software package «Debit Plus» – Ukrainian cross-platform automated enterprise management system with the configuration «Bakery plant, bakery». This system has modules: work with applications for finished products, release of finished products in the expedition, accounting for raw materials, write-off of raw materials into production, accounting of work and salary. Described the application software «Accounting of the bakery and confectionery enterprise» which is developed by 1C – the company specializing in distribution, support and development of computer programs and databases of business and house function. Allocated subsystem business processes this configuration: normative-reference information, operative accounting of production, order management, dispatching of orders, realization and delivery. Described configurations «Bakery plant Debit Plus» and «1C: Accounting of the bakery plant and confectionery company» contain a large number of functional modules. For large and medium-sized enterprises, this can lead to information redundancy. The result of such actions is inefficient and timely management decisions. To systematize the configuration data, a logical data model is created, consisting of the following entities: production, individuals, supply, waste, customer orders, production orders, resource reserves, stores. This model is designed for administration and accounting of the bakery plant information system. The directory «Shops» was developed, as well as the document «Supply of goods», which is systematized in the magazine «Supply to the store» in the subsystem «1C Marketing and Sales». Are highlighted the main details of the information system: address, counterparty, division, store, delivery date, contract, nomenclature, quantity, units of measurement, price. The process of entering information to minimize user errors is automated by creating element forms and a list of entities. Are highlighted the types of attribute data in the information system for the administration of accounting and analytical information. These can be basic, such as text, date, integer, and fractional numbers, or contain links to other configuration objects: directories, documents.
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