The article is attached to the topical issue of risk management in the investment activity of the enterprise. The work separates the importance of risk management at the enterprise in innovative activities. It was noted that the management system at the enterprise should be built when implementing three interconnected approaches (process, system and situational) that contribute to the formation of the «target tree». It is determined that the «goal tree» of enterprise development strategies helps to determine the main directions of investment policy of the enterprise from the basic system-forming (lower branches) to the final results (upper branches), while it is easy to establish system relationships of parallel goals. It is noted that an effective innovation policy is possible due to the consistency between the optimal level of profitability and risk. The importance of risk system management has been determined and eight stages of its management have been systematized (risks are ranked by degree of significance; the source information base is created. a system of indicators and criteria for risk assessment is formed; optimization model of the risk system is formed; system policy of risk insurance is formed; mobilized data on risks by their place of occurrence; a mechanism for selecting and developing ways to optimize the risk system is formed; retrospective analysis of risk management results is carried out). Risk management in the investment activities of the enterprise should be based on the principles of admissibility (readiness to function with risk to ensure certain advantages and confidence that the risk will be properly controlled) and acceptability (whether the associated perception of these risks affects), which can be achieved using GARP. It is substantiated that the complex of methods of risk optimization is already at the stage of analysis and evaluation, the mechanism of risk management from the point of view of formation of significant factors of the risk system is being improved, which will allow to fully attribute the risk management and the system of assessment methods, evaluation indicators and criteria to the basic systems of management accounting, financial analysis and planning.
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