The article is devoted to the study of the impact of innovative technologies on increasing the economic effect in the automotive industry. The article emphasizes that one of the main factors of effective operation of a transport enterprise is the process of searching for the latest forms and improvement of existing ones, improvement of technologies, materials or products that affect the continuous growth of demand and increase of profitability. At the same time, the main purpose of the innovation activities of road transport enterprises should be to achieve a sufficiently high level of competitiveness both in domestic and foreign markets, based on the fullest satisfaction of the needs of various consumers. The article notes that modern economic theory reflects the effect of evaluating goods through the final result, the parameter of which is the amount of profit. The higher the cost of goods and services required for the production of the final product, the higher its value will be. However, the value of the goods cannot be higher than that established in the region at the time of sale. The article places special emphasis on the introduction of innovative processes at motor transport enterprises, which leads to resource saving and energy efficiency and ensures automation and digitalization, as well as directly affects competitiveness and economic effect in general. In general, it is noted that the commissioning of an innovative piece of equipment without a maintenance and repair system that meets its requirements negates all its advanced characteristics and leads to higher costs for the operation of the system as a whole. Costs are also increased by the lack of appropriate equipment and specialists capable of performing maintenance and repair of this particular model. Using the capabilities of a geographic information system can reduce costs and improve the safety of automotive vehicles. The formation of a complex for monitoring the transport space and managing the vehicle maintenance system within the framework of the ATP will be the main innovative component of its modernization.
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