Today, the success of a restaurateur depends not only on good management, modern cuisine, the concept of a restaurant and bar, impeccable service, interesting interiors and reasonable prices, but also on technical equipment that improves the company's work in all aspects of economic activity. Without technical equipment, restaurants cannot compete and solve the tasks set before them. The article analyzes the effectiveness of the use of equipment in restaurant business establishments using the example of one of the restaurants in Ukraine. The research was conducted by interviewing the bartender, cook and manager. In addition, the observation method was used to count the number of visitors on weekdays and weekends. The results of the survey showed that not all restaurant equipment is used effectively. The survey of the restaurant administrator revealed: the occupancy of the restaurant hall on weekdays and weekends; demand for drinks and restaurant dishes; number of restaurant visitors during the day. The following conclusions were drawn based on the results of the bartender and chef questionnaire: it is necessary to replace the equipment for preparing seafood, purchase a freezer, use a steam combi oven in the production process, the necessary device for cooling drinks, use a device for preparing hot chocolate, purchase an ice crushing device. According to the calculations of the actual coefficient of use of the installed equipment, it was established that the restaurant's equipment is used inefficiently. It is proposed to replace the equipment with more efficient ones. In the production process of the restaurant, more expensive equipment should be used, which is idle most of the time. There is also a need to purchase some equipment. As a result, part of the equipment must be replaced, part removed, and part, on the contrary, used in the production process. A study was conducted on the use of restaurant equipment during the blackout in 2022-2023. It was found that the efficiency of using restaurant equipment decreased. Firstly, it was affected by frequent power outages and, as a result, the impossibility of storing products for a long time in refrigerators and freezers, and secondly, the number of visitors decreased and, as a result, the demand for meals.
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