Keywords: digital technologies, information technologies, digital economy, digital economy ecosystem, big data, blockchain technologies, digital financial assets


In the new paradigm of the development of the world economy, digital technologies are considered as the main productive resource that contributes to the growth of the well-being of society. The use of modern computer and information systems by organizations and, first of all, enterprises of the real sector of the economy is the most important condition for their effective functioning under the conditions of the digital economy. The article presents conclusions regarding the analysis of the degree of informatization of Ukrainian organizations; advantages and risks of the main segments of the digital economy ecosystem are systematized; the factors inhibiting the digitalization of activities at domestic enterprises are updated. The restraining factors include: high cost of solutions; the existing gap between the technical support of companies and the requirements for IT equipment for working in a digital environment; lack of qualified specialists in this field; low-quality data that do not meet the expectations of the managers of some companies in an instant breakthrough; concerns about the confidentiality of information and risks in the event of its leakage. The development of digital financial technologies in Ukraine is also slowing down due to the lack of a legislative framework, a cautious approach to digital financial instruments and operations with them on the part of the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank, and the SBU. To eliminate the mentioned factors, the efforts of all participants of the digital economy ecosystem are necessary in accordance with the functions and tasks assigned to them by this system. The research results contribute to the development of the digital economy paradigm, the central elements of which are the ecosystem, socio-economic and legal relations between its subjects. Additionally, the findings of this study shed light on the critical need for proactive strategies and investment in digital infrastructure, cybersecurity measures, and workforce development to overcome these obstacles and fully harness the potential of the digital economy. Embracing the digital transformation is not only a necessity but also a strategic imperative for organizations and businesses aiming to thrive in the evolving global economic landscape.


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