Keywords: agricultural products, regulation, exports, imports, livestock, competitiveness, development, international trade


In the context of globalization, a single economic system is being formed, characterized by the asymmetric development of its elements, which is due to the peculiarities and differences between countries in the process of their integration. The main task is to ensure the efficient functioning of economic systems and minimize risks and negative trends caused by global transformations. One of these urgent problems is slowing down and preventing the global food crisis from deepening. Import protection policies, domestic support, and price interventions are still relevant in many developing countries, and their impact is growing, reflecting the growing importance of these countries in international markets and trade. The purpose is to analyze the peculiarities of the formation and development of exports and imports of agricultural products by assessing the existing objective factors of influence and geopolitical risks of our time. One of the most difficult challenges today is to prevent a food crisis. According to UN experts, it is the worst in the last 50 years of human development and requires an immediate response from governments to avoid a catastrophe. It should be noted that food security problems directly depend on the development of the agricultural sector, which today is the basis for building up export potential, a factor in ensuring national food security and meeting the population's demand for the main groups of agricultural products. The efficiency of the use of export potential largely determines the financial stability of the state. In turn, this problem is especially important for agricultural producers, as the current globalization processes of the world economy have increased competition both in foreign and domestic markets. The main form of realization of export potential is European export.


Al-Ababneh H.A., Osmonova A., Dumanska I., Matkovskyi P., Kalynovskyy A. Analysis of export of agricultural products in the context of the global food crisis. Agricultural and Resource Economics. 2021. Vol. 7. No. 4. Pp. 5–26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.51599/are.2021.07.04.01

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How to Cite
Perehuda, Y. (2023). EXPORTS AND IMPORTS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL REGULATION AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE. Economy and Society, (54). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-54-92