The article is devoted to the study of the impact of globalization on the financial stability of enterprises and the development of strategies to ensure it. In the context of modern economic challenges, globalization can affect the financial stability of companies both positively and negatively. The article considers the key factors of this influence, and also offers effective strategies to ensure the financial stability of enterprises in the conditions of globalization. Particular attention is paid to such aspects as diversification of activities, creation of reserve funds, optimization of costs, development of long-term strategy, investment in innovation, risk management and personnel training. The results of the research can be useful for managers of enterprises, financial analysts and other specialists in the field of business. The article also emphasizes the importance of partnership relations in the context of globalization. In particular, it looks at how strong partnerships can contribute to the financial stability of enterprises, helping them adapt to changing market conditions, find new opportunities for growth and ensure their long-term stability. Practical recommendations for increasing the efficiency of partnership cooperation are highlighted, including methods of strengthening trust, optimizing communication processes, and developing mutually beneficial agreements. It is determined that in today's world, where globalization is becoming an increasingly decisive factor, adaptation to changes, flexibility and the ability to make quick decisions are key to ensuring the financial stability of enterprises. Therefore, strategic planning, innovation, and staff development should become priorities for every enterprise that strives for success in the global market. The role of corporate culture and its impact on interaction with international partners is considered. Understanding the cultural characteristics, values and expectations of partners can help build trusting and long-lasting relationships. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of technological adaptation. Integrating the latest technologies can help businesses optimize their operations, improve productivity and provide a competitive advantage on a global scale.
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