Keywords: hydrogen, transport, emissions, environment, infrastructure


The article explores and analyzes the main trends in the development of hydrogen technologies, making a significant contribution to understanding and forecasting the development of hydrogen transportation both globally and in Ukraine. The relevance of the research topic lies in the need to reduce the negative impact of carbon emissions from transportation on the environment, achieve climate neutrality, resource efficiency, and energy transformation based on renewable energy sources. Therefore, this article aims to outline and characterize the main trends in the development and implementation of hydrogen technologies in the transportation sector, as well as to focus on the problems and prospects of hydrogen utilization in transportation. To achieve the stated goal, the following methods were used in the research: search-analytical method - in processing literary sources; systematization and classification - for analyzing regulatory acts; descriptive method - for characterizing the development of hydrogen transportation in terms of types; logical abstraction - in identifying problems in the development of hydrogen technologies and summarizing research results. Currently, all countries worldwide are actively developing hydrogen transportation, forming a legislative framework to support it. The research revealed active development of hydrogen transportation in all types: automotive, freight, rail, maritime, and aviation. The research results confirmed that hydrogen transportation is gaining increasing popularity due to its environmental cleanliness and the use of hydrogen as a safe source of energy for the environment. Special attention is given in the article to the problems of hydrogen transportation development worldwide. Ukraine also shows interest in the development of hydrogen technologies and aims to become a leading producer of green hydrogen in Europe. To further promote the development of hydrogen transportation, it is necessary to overcome existing problems and stimulate investments in research and development of hydrogen technologies for transportation and the construction of hydrogen infrastructure. These steps will contribute to the widespread adoption of more environmentally friendly and sustainable hydrogen transportation in all areas of human activity, reducing environmental pollution and improving the quality of life for the population.


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How to Cite
Myskiv, G., & Ivanytskyi, R. (2023). MAIN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGIES IN TRANSPORT. Economy and Society, (55).