The article is devoted to substantiating the importance of implementing a project-based approach to planning strategic community development in the context of overcoming military challenges and recovery. The authors define projects as an effective tool for achieving strategic goals in solving urgent socio-economic problems. The article identifies the fundamental problems and obstacles to implementing the project-based approach at the community level. Namely, communities need more experience and practical risk management tools. In combination with the practice of short-term strategic planning, this problem significantly complicates finding effective mechanisms for solving problems. Also, communities today face the issue of not only providing for the position of project manager but also the possibility of forming project teams, without which it is virtually impossible to implement projects with the financial support of international donor organizations. The authors argue for the need to use the project approach in the context of forming a new content of strategic planning and provide several advantages, such as optimal use of limited resources; involvement of community residents, NGOs, and businesses in joint decision-making process; establishment of long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with representatives of self-government bodies of other countries, in particular within the framework of joint projects; formation of the community's investment potential; creating a favorable environment for the development of entrepreneurship in the community; stimulating the development of civil society, more active involvement of young people in solving socially essential problems of community development; increasing opportunities to attract grants from international donor organizations to ensure sustainable development. However, utilizing the above benefits is impossible without communities updating and adapting existing development strategies to the new military realities and developing a system of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of management decisions to achieve sustainable development and recovery goals.
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