Keywords: budget, budgeting, estimate, financial planning, budgeting methods, program-target method, normative method


The purpose of the article is to study the essence of budgeting, its features in budget institutions, as well as modern budgeting methods that are used at the appropriate levels. The relevance of the study is related to the fact that the effectiveness of the state's performance of its functions depends on the general state of budgeting. The article examines the theoretical aspects of budgeting in the field of public finance as a management technology at the macro and micro levels. It was noted that budgeting as a management technology ensures the coordination of the activities of all managers of budget funds to fulfill their tasks through the consistent implementation of management functions using a system of methods at each level and stage of the budget process. Budgeting methods are science-based tools for calculating, analyzing and controlling certain indicators of the receipt and expenditure of financial resources at the level of the state or individual business entity for planning and forecasting periods. The general methods include analytical, comparison, elimination, balance, regulatory, calculation and analytical, optimization of planning decisions, method of coefficients, methods of expert evaluation, forecasting by sample, modeling, etc. The specific features and main components of the program-target budgeting method are disclosed. The methods of budgeting at the level of a budget institution have been studied. It is substantiated that budgeting in the system of financial support of budgetary institutions takes a leading place and is implemented mostly using general methods of financial planning with a predominance of normative through the application of expenditure norms (material and financial), budgetary and financial norms, regulations. The existing methods have proven their effectiveness, their improvement can consist in ensuring an increase in the degree of flexibility of management decisions during the formation and execution of estimates of budget institutions. The material presented in the article will make it possible to understand the importance of budgeting at the level of individual institutions and will help managers to correctly and scientifically apply budgeting methods during the development and implementation of the estimate.


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Kramarenko, K. (2023). BUDGETING METHODS AND THEIR PLACE IN THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT SYSTEM OF BUDGET INSTITUTIONS. Economy and Society, (55). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-55-1