The article is devoted to the generalization of the main trends in the development of the HoReCa (hotel, restaurant, café) sector and hospitality, which make it necessary to apply diversification as a strategy for the development of enterprises. The purpose of the article is to scientifically generalize the diversification factors of hospitality enterprises services and products, which allows to single out strategic directions of its further development in the process of integration and post-crisis recovery. The following research methods were used, namely: theoretical generalization, factor analysis, graphic, analytical, statistical methods. Four global trends in the development of the hotel and restaurant business have been identified, namely: personalization, digitalization, globalization, and visualization. The essential role of demographic changes and aging of the population of the developed countries as a factor in the diversification of hospitality industry services is emphasized. Globalization has created a link between the growing demand for labor in the service sector and labor migration. Gender aspects in the workforce structure of the HoReCa sector were studied and the role of gender inclusiveness for the sustainable development of the industry was determined. It was noted that HoReCa enterprises cooperate with almost all sectors of the economy, therefore they must consider environmental, economic, and social aspects at every stage of interaction with external and internal stakeholders, which causes an additional need to diversify the services and products of the sector. Social and demographic trends, as well as changing societal values and consumer perceptions, are driving the development of new opportunities and products in the hospitality, catering, and tourism industries. It was summarized that the hospitality industry is becoming increasingly broad in terms of the range of products and services it offers to consumers. Many hotels have turned into complex and multifunctional resorts, in which traditional hospitality is combined with leisure and sports, conferences, congresses, retail trade.
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