Keywords: state power, public power, decentralization, centralization, unitarism


The relevance of the research topic is due to the theoretical and practical significance of issues related to the processes of decentralization of state power in Ukraine. In recent decades, characterized by changes in political regimes in a number of states, society has been steadily growing interest in liberal ideas, in particular, in the organization of state power as close as possible to the people. Consideration of decentralization of state power for democratization of public administration in the country and identification of essential features of the decentralization mechanism will allow choosing the optimal model of decentralization of state power in Ukraine, and will contribute to the democratization of public administration in our country. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article were the works of scientists on the theory of state and law, materials of scientific and practical conferences on various aspects of the organization of state power. In solving the tasks used modern methods of cognition, identified and developed by modern science and tested in practice. The research uses methods of dialectical cognition, analytical, systemic, structural-functional, historical, comparative-legal and others. The purpose of scientific work is to define the essence of the concept of decentralization of state power, to define its subjects, goals, objectives and principles of implementation. The article considers various scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of decentralization of state power and on the basis of generalization of views of economists presents a generalized author's definition of this category. It is determined that the subjects of decentralization of power are state authorities and regional public authorities. It is proved that local self-government can be a subject of decentralization of public, but not state power. It is determined that the goal of decentralization of state power is the democratization of governance, and the main tasks – a clear delineation of the scope of activities, functions and responsibilities between different levels of government, as well as giving the regions the appropriate resource base. The basic principles of decentralization of state power are considered, namely: the principle of unity and systematization; the principle of complementarity; the principle of subsidiarity; the principle of democracy; the principle of resource security. The problems of decentralization of state power in the state are complex and diverse, the study of which allows us to consider the same issues from different angles and come to new non-standard options for their solution.


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