In conditions of significant macroeconomic instability, the riskiness of the operation of insurance companies on the financial services market increases. The effectiveness of insurance activity under these conditions largely depends on the perfection of the insurance risk management process. The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and methodological approaches to risk management of insurance companies in the context of financial security. Risks related to insurance activities were classified by type, which made it possible to distinguish the areas of risk management of the insurance company. The theoretical principles regarding the nature of financial risk of an insurance company, financial risk management and stages of risk management of an insurance company are summarized. The classification of financial risks of an insurance company is proposed, which, in the context of financial security, facilitates the search for possible ways to minimize them. The mechanism for minimizing the financial risks of an insurance company is presented, which is based on the use of a set of methods and techniques for reducing possible financial losses in order to ensure its financial stability, profitability and financial security as a whole. We note that in order to achieve the maximum effect in risk management, it is necessary to provide a comprehensive approach, that is, to consider different groups of risks arising in the activity of the insurance company, not separately, but in aggregate, taking into account their mutual influence and the dynamics of changes. The consequences of ineffective financial risk management are characterized and recommendations for their minimization are systematized to ensure the appropriate level of financial security of the insurance company. The importance of the risk management system as one of the integral elements of the financial security of insurance companies is emphasized. It is noted that in the process of risk management it is necessary to organize preventive measures to reduce possible threats; make decisions and provide activities to respond to emerging threats; find ways to eliminate or minimize financial risks for the effective functioning of the insurance organization and ensure the proper state of its financial security.
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