The article considers the role of information and communication technologies in the development of the national economy. In the current conditions of globalization transformations and the formation of the digital world, the economy and Ukrainian society are significantly affected by information technology, which is reflected in all areas of modern enterprises, both commercial and government. Information and communication technologies are defined as a set of various technological tools and resources used to support the communication process and the creation, dissemination, storage and management of information. Statistical days on the use of information and communication technologies at Ukrainian enterprises and the provision of employees in the study area are analyzed. Also, in recent years, it is determined that the largest part of employees is in the processing industry, trends in investing in computer programming and other information services have a positive trend. The article emphasizes the importance of information and communication technologies in education, business and the public sector. Among the areas of improvement of the education sector is the need to increase the cooperation of higher education institutions with the business sector to implement effective teaching methods. It is determined that most enterprises both in Ukraine and in the world in general build internal processes using information technology and automation processes. In business, the role of information and communication technologies is reflected in the automation of both internal and external processes, simplification of processing large amounts of data and systematization of necessary processes in enterprises. As a result, it was concluded that to improve the state of the information and communication sector in the national economy, Ukraine should develop a domestic information market to reduce dependence on exports and strengthen the stability of economic development, strong domestic competition will intensify the activity of information market subjects.
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