• Inna Kopchikova Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: personnel, prevention of losses, damage, losses, control, trade safety


The peculiar features of trade activity as well as the need for a constant search for modern methods of rendering services indicate an objective possibility of internal problems that require quick solving, timely prediction or prevention. The transition to self-service trade is a powerful catalyst for the growth of the problem of commodity losses in trading enterprises. An active, purposeful and constant search for opportunities to minimize losses caused by both buyers and staff is being conducted nowadays. The article deals with the problem of losses caused by the personnel of the enterprise as well as the methods of eliminating the opportunities and reasons of causing the damage. The staff is viewed as an asset of the company, which must be protected by the trade defense system as well as the main source of the losses, from which the system must be protected. Therefore, the staff is suggested to be regarded in the article as a security provider for a trading company. Loss prevention can be either by eliminating the opportunity of causing the damage, or by eliminating the reasons underlying such actions, or by combining both methods. In particular, practical mechanisms for preventing the loss of a trading company are described through the prism of psychological work with personnel to increase their loyalty to the company. Psychological work to create positive motives for employees is the main resource for ensuring the security of an enterprise. Based on the results of the study, general and special control measures of HR managers and security services have been suggested to create positive motives for the trade company’s employees in the direction of reducing the commodity losses. Thus, due to a well-structured process of personnel training in frames of the trade security rules, the company is able not only to significantly increase the level of personnel security, but also positively affect the sustainability of business. The perspectives for further research lie in the development of an internal control system for commodity losses prevention of supermarkets as well as the compilation of the proposals to minimize their volume.


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How to Cite
Kopchikova, I. (2020). PERSONNEL AS A TOOL OF PREVENTING THE TRADE LOSSES OF A TRADING COMPANY. Economy and Society, (21). Retrieved from