Keywords: ethnic tourism, potential, tour, cross-border cooperation


Cross–border relations in Ukraine – Romania – Moldova direction is an instrument of cooperation that plays an important role as a mediator in the negotiation process between the countries and enables the parties through forms of cross-border cooperation, among which tourism plays an important role, to determine the best option for cooperation, the implementation of cooperation. Ukraine has the opportunity to use rationally its geographical location in Europe, including through cross-border cooperation in the system of regional tourism development. Ethnic tourism is one of the components of dynamically developing tourism. It awakens interest in culture, traditions, promotes the revival and preservation of cultural heritage. Ethnic issues are becoming one of the most pressing issues in the world. Ethnic tourism, as a factor of sustainable socio–cultural development of the Europe region Ukraine – Romania - Moldova, has significant opportunities that are not sufficiently used in the field of tourism. This issue is relevant and requires both theoretical and practical developments. The article analyzes the work within the framework of cross-border cooperation of the Odessa region of Moldova and Romania. The essence of ethnic tourism is revealed. The ethnic potential of the Odessa region has been determined. A new ethnotour has been developed with locations in the Odessa region, Romania, and Moldova. The ethnic composition of the population of the visited locations is determined. This project of the tour will allow you to get acquainted with the history, culture, customs, cuisine of the local population of different ethnic groups of the population of Ukraine, Romania, Moldova. Further development of the sphere of ethnic tourism can be ensured through the implementation of the following measures: development and introduction of new tourist routes; improvement of information support for the management system of the tourism industry and information support for the image of ethnic tourism as favorable for recreation; activation of all forms of promotion of the local tourist product, including participation in international tourism exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad; conducting advertising campaigns in the media; exchange of social planes with other cities of Ukraine, Europe.


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How to Cite
Oliinyk, V. (2023). CROSS-BORDER RELATIONS AS A WAY TO AKTIVATE ETHNIC TOYRISM. Economy and Society, (54).