Keywords: labor market, employment, secondary employment, unshadowing of employment, risks, social security


The article deals with topical issues of secondary employment in Ukraine, its unshadowing and limitation of social security risks. The authors believe that in the transformational model of the labor market, secondary employment plays the role of a social shock absorber, which is intensified in wartime. During the period of labor market destruction and increased labor outflow abroad, the state should stimulate the preservation of jobs, including additional ones. Secondary employment comes in various forms, attracting both highly skilled labor that can work remotely using information technology and low-skilled labor that accepts additional work for its survival. The article examines the factors of the spread of secondary employment in the country's economy, as well as its functions related to adaptation to the labor market, improvement of the financial situation of employees, expansion of opportunities for their self-realization and enhancement of their mobility in the labor market. The authors emphasize the intertwining of formal and informal relations in the field of secondary employment. Informal secondary employment, in addition to playing a positive role as a social shock absorber, has a number of negative effects. It creates social risks for all labor market actors (the state, entrepreneurs, and employees) and is one of the major factors in the shadow economy. Based on the analysis of official employment statistics and a sociological survey conducted by the authors for the period from 2014 to 2021, the authors have identified and proved certain trends in the development of secondary employment in the Ukrainian economy. The study demonstrated the dominance of material motives for secondary employment and also revealed a tendency for its expansion in the youth segment of the labor market. The authors define and classify the social risks of secondary employment that threaten the safety of labor market actors, primarily employees. The article substantiates the need for specific measures to limit and overcome the risks of secondary employment, its regulation with a view to de-shadowing and ensuring social security of society.


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How to Cite
Petrova, I., Kachan, H., & Kravets, I. (2023). DETINIZATION OF SECONDARY EMPLOYMENT AND LIMITATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY RISKS. Economy and Society, (54).