Keywords: investments, labor resources, martial law, labor resources management, social responsibility, professional development, social investments


A key factor in modern economic growth is investment in people and in the development of human capital, as evidenced by the experience of many countries. Investments in human capital create conditions for sustainable economic growth, constant adaptation of the socio-economic structure to new areas of scientific and technological progress. In addition, investment in people creates demand in many related sectors, causing a significant multiplier effect. For a long time, the field of investing in human capital has also been actively developing in Ukraine. However, the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation temporarily changed the priorities for directing financial resources. The article defines the trends of recent years regarding investing in human capital in Ukraine and the world. The essence of the human capital category is established, and its role in ensuring economic and technological growth is defined. It is illustrated in what form investments in human capital can be made: intangible, tangible, embodied and not embodied in people. The priorities of companies in the management of human capital in the first months of the war, namely workload management and employee support, have been determined. The experience of investing in human capital of the company was analyzed and it was determined how the direction of investment financing changed during the war. The role of investment in human capital is determined from the position of the head of the Joint Representative Body of the employers' side at the national level. The Recovery Plan of Ukraine and the place of the human capital development index during its implementation are analyzed. Social responsibility as one of the key areas of investment of financial resources was studied, the influence of external and internal factors on its structure was analyzed. The role of social investments in choosing a place of work for a qualified employee in conditions of shortage in the labor market is determined. The intensification of work on the development of state programs to promote the development of professional practice-oriented education is emphasized.


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How to Cite
Bykova, A., Chaban, L., & Alekseev, A. (2023). INVESTING IN HUMAN CAPITAL DURING THE WAR PERIOD. Economy and Society, (54).