Bankruptcy of enterprises in our country is growing rapidly, as evidenced by statistics. Existing foreign and domestic models for assessing the probability of bankruptcy of enterprises have certain shortcomings, as noted by a number of researchers. At the same time, it is important for the company to answer when exactly bankruptcy can occur. In previous studies, we have developed models for estimating the probability of bankruptcy of enterprises, which allow us to estimate the probability of occurrence of this event within one, two and three years, ie taking into account the time factor. However, they do not fully take into account the estimated time range. That is, if it is determined that during the first year the probability of initiating bankruptcy proceedings was small or small, but the probability of initiating bankruptcy proceedings during the first two years was diagnosed as medium, high or very high, it seems appropriate to determine the probability of bankruptcy the second year. Similarly, it is possible to determine the probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise in the third year. The solution of the outlined problem is possible on the basis of application of a matrix method. To achieve this goal, extraordinary and ordinary ranges of values of the indicator for assessing the probability of bankruptcy of enterprises are defined, and for its interpretation it is proposed to use gradation: small, small, medium, large and very high probability of bankruptcy. Taking into account this gradation, the relationship between the probabilities of occurrence and, consequently, non-occurrence of the bankruptcy procedure of the enterprise has been established. The correspondence between the ranges of values of the indicator of assessment of the probability of bankruptcy of enterprises and the probability of bankruptcy of enterprises is determined. Indicators have been developed that allow to determine the probability of bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy in a given range of values. Given that the top management of enterprises mainly applies a conservative management policy, the pessimistic approach to the construction of such matrices is outlined.
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