The article examines the current issue of the influence of financial technologies (FinTech) on the stability of the national economy. The authors explore how innovations in finance are affecting traditional banking and financial systems, and consider the opportunities and challenges these changes bring. Analyzing current models of interaction of FinTech with the traditional financial system, the authors point to the integral role of digital integration in the era of information technologies. Particular emphasis is placed on the need to create flexible regulatory mechanisms that will help adapt to the changing landscape of the financial market without sacrificing the fundamental principles of consumer safety and protection. The main focus is on issues of regulation, cyber security, availability of financial services and their impact on the socio-economic development of the country. The article highlights that the proper use and integration of FinTech can increase the efficiency of economic processes, promote financial inclusion and stimulate economic growth, but also requires improvement of regulatory and control mechanisms. Nevertheless, the benefits that FinTech offers to national economies cannot be ignored. These technologies open up new horizons for microfinance, expanding access to banking services for underserved communities, and supporting innovative startups. In addition, the article highlights the role of globalization in the spread of financial technologies and the interaction between national and international markets. It is analyzed how FinTech can influence the competitiveness of national banks and financial institutions in the conditions of a constantly changing global market. The article also considers the social dimension of financial technologies, in particular, their impact on job creation, professional training and retraining of personnel, as well as on the formation of new consumer experience in the field of financial services. The article's conclusions emphasize the importance of a balance between innovation and stability, highlighting the role of government structures and the private sector in shaping an effective, safe and inclusive FinTech environment. The authors call for the active cooperation of all interested parties to ensure the positive impact of financial technologies on the national economy, while being aware of possible risks and challenges.
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