The last article analyzes the current issues regarding the formation of a marketing strategy for managing the competitiveness of enterprises in the field of growing cereals. In a market economy, the issue of creating, maintaining and strengthening competitive positions in the long run is especially acute for each enterprise, which in itself is impossible without developing a development strategy and its effective implementation. The use of marketing management system will ensure the rational management of production and marketing activities, which will promote the development of long-term market relations and, above all, ensure the market orientation to consumer demand. Based on this development of strategic directions to ensure the competitiveness of cereal growing enterprises, conclusions were drawn. The article presents an algorithm according to which a competitive marketing development strategy is formed for enterprises growing cereals. Today, the work of many domestic enterprises engaged in the cultivation of cereals requires sound rational action, because not only the external environment, but also the enterprises themselves under the influence of time and circumstances change significantly. There is a need to justify and form such a marketing strategy so that the products of enterprises fully meet market demand, which means that their strategic and production programs were maximally adapted to the wishes and expectations of actual and potential consumers. It was found that in the current conditions of economic instability, the development and implementation of a competitive marketing strategy is considered to be one of the essential components of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises producing cereals. That is why the formed marketing competitive strategy is a tool for managing the activities of the enterprise in order to achieve its long-term goals. It reflects the approach to doing business and actions taken to attract consumers' attention to products and services, strengthen the market position, the development of competitive advantages of enterprises.
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