The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical essence and component structure of tourism and recreation potential as a socio-economic category based on a systemic approach. The tasks of the research involve the structuring and systematization of the main components of the tourist and recreational potential, including natural resources, human, historical and cultural potential, as well as such integral elements of this category as entrepreneurial, ecological and infrastructural potential. In the course of studying the tourist and recreational potential most scientists examine its components such as natural tourist resources and socio-cultural tourist resources, which to some extent limits the spectrum of scientific research. At the same time, when studying the structure of tourist and recreational potential based on a systemic approach, it is necessary to consider it as a complex concept, which includes, first of all, natural and recreational potential, human, historical and cultural potential, also such important components as ecological and entrepreneurial potential. An integral component of the study of "tourist-recreational potential" is the analysis of the conditions and environment of the functioning of business entities in the tourism-recreational sphere. The tourism and recreation sphere is one of the priority types of economic activity at both of the national and subregional levels, aimed to increase the level of employment, income and quality of life of the population, ensuring the rational use of natural, ecological, cultural, historical, informational and other types of resources. The tourist and recreational potential of the territory is a complex category that includes the set of natural, ecological, socio-historical and ethno-cultural resources, as well as the available social, economic, informational and communicational infrastructure, which serve or can serve as prerequisites for the development of certain types of tourism in the analyzed territory, which determines the relevance of the study of this scientific category and requires its in-depth study in modern economic conditions.
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