Keywords: competitiveness, increase, pharmaceutical market, pharmacy, enterprise, services


Competition is something without which no business can exist. Every day we can see how the number of pharmacies is growing in each city, respectively, and in the country as a whole. The current economic situation leads to increased competition in the Ukrainian market of pharmaceutical services and encourages Ukrainian pharmacies to pay more attention to their competitiveness. This may apply to both the pricing policy of the institution and the level of service in it. Despite the fact that there is a large number of pharmacies in Ukraine, there are also such places in the country where there is a shortage of pharmacies. For example, rural areas, where the vast majority live in the elderly, who a priori need medicine. In our opinion, businessmen should think about starting their own business in such areas. The business will be profitable in any case, because the vast majority of them will be monopolists in the market. All people are different and for each there are their own factors, according to which they choose in which pharmacy they buy medicine. However, usually, first of all, buyers pay attention to how quickly you need to buy a drug and where the pharmacy is located. Obviously, they choose the pharmacy that will be closest to the current location of the buyer. Also, people often choose for themselves exactly the pharmacy where the prices are more affordable. However, most of the respondents we interviewed said that the service in the pharmacy, the attitude of the pharmacist, his ability to help, recommend and not impose the product more expensive, but to sell what the buyer asked for is important to them. The most promising ways to increase the competitiveness of the pharmacy business are to increase the level of service and quality of pharmaceutical services. The quality of these services, in turn, depends on how well the relationship between management and subordinates of the company, the logistics of goods, the location of the pharmacy and so on. The article analyzes the pharmaceutical market of our country and considers the key ways to increase the competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies. The authors have developed a number of recommendations for increasing the competitiveness of pharmacies. Recommendations for its use are given by the authors.


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