The article is devoted to the issue of political awareness formation of Ukrainian citizens under the influence of public organizations. The essence of human awareness and the peculiarities of its transformation in the process of human evolution have been studied. It has been established that scientists do not have an unambiguous interpretation of the essence of awareness, since this concept is multifaceted and researchers fill it with different meanings depending on the purpose of researching this phenomenon. It has been found that awareness is a key aspect of human intelligence and is formed under the influence of many factors that, interacting with each other, form a person's appropriate perception of the environment thereby influencing his or her behavior. The levels of human awareness, their characteristics and peculiarities of manifestation have been studied. The functions of human awareness and the mechanism of its transformation into human political awareness are defined. Factors affecting the formation of political awareness of citizens in the conditions of the information society have been established and characterized, which include: information, education, social environment, mass media, life values, political experience, personality culture and its individual traits. The essence of public organizations is determined and the key purpose of their formation is established. The role of manipulative technologies and their impact on the formation of political awarenessof citizens is outlined. It is described what role manipulative theories play in the achievement of their goals by public organizations, how they influence the formation of a certain ideology in order to influence citizens and their political views. It has been proved that in the conditions of transformational processes, which are due to the integration of Ukraine into the European community, it is necessary to depart from a certain conservatism in understanding the essence of human awareness, filling it with new content or expanding it. The need to develop new approaches to understanding the category of "political awareness", to search for and identify new factors that influence the formation and development of human awarenessin general, is substantiated. The need for an interdisciplinary approach to the study of this phenomenon has been established, which will make it possible to propose new approaches to solving social problems that until recently seemed impossible to solve. Theoretical research methods were used in the research process. In particular, the analysis was used in researching the views of scientists on the essence of human awareness. The author used generalizations when forming his own opinion about the essence of awareness based on the definitions of various scientists and philosophers. The classification method was used to visualize the factors that influence the formation of political awareness and awareness in general. The system method is used in the study of the peculiarities of the influence of public organizations on human behavior in society.
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