The article is devoted to the peculiarities of depositing in the Ukrainian banking institute during 2019-2022. The main feature of these features is the growth of deposits against the background of the lack of necessary conditions for trusting banks during military operations in Ukraine in the period of 2022. The article analyzes a fairly new approach to analyzing the impact of the media field that banks are forming around themselves during 2019-2021 on the positive behavioral effects of depositors of various categories. The rotation by groups of depositors according to the size of the deposit is also quite interestingly illustrated. A detailed analysis of the redistribution of deposits by groups and their dynamics is given against the background of media indicators and analysis of topics for which banking institutions were present in the media. The main emphasis of the material is that there is no direct correlation between information on indicators of stability and exclusivity of conditions and deposits, but there is a clear connection between topics related to the profitability of the system, which is generated by the banking institution as a whole and the regulator (NBU). An important part of the gender research is the analysis and detailing of the media field of some banks, with the help of the data obtained in the company NOKs Fishes – data of the media audit of the banking market for 4 years. It was noticed that the banks wrote almost nothing about their indicators of reliability, liquidity, stress resistance and very little information about the state and conditions of deposit programs, betting in their media models on the informatization and digitization of services and maintenance. The total volume of such materials reached no more than 3%-8% of the total amount of bank materials. The most active in this direction were such banks as JSC CB PrivatBank, JSC OSHCHADBANK, JSC UKRGAZBANK, and in 2022 JSC UNIVERSAL BANK joined them. The case of ALFA-BANK JSC turned out to be bad, the result of which was the transfer of the bank's clients to other institutions in 2022 (figure 4), as well as not entirely "understandable" communications, both in quantitative terms and in terms of the confusion of the presentation of topics of JSC "OTP BANK", JSC "UKRGAZBANK", JSC "Ukreximbank", which correlates with the real deterioration of deposit indicators during the studied period.
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