The article substantiates that the functioning of shadow economy enterprises increases the anthropogenic impact on the state of water resources, increasing the level of unauthorised water use, producing the flow of used water into the ecosystem. The risks of water use in connection with the existence of the shadow, informal sector of the economy are analysed, and the need to intensify the actions of regulatory authorities in order to reduce the volume of shadow relations and ensure the safety of water use in Ukraine is proved. The paper analyses the problems of water use in the shadow economy using the example of the construction industry, which involves the use of water resources at all stages from the production of materials to the actual construction of facilities. Uncontrolled water usage, modification of the natural terrain, waste generation, and its disposal in close proximity to construction sites all have a profound negative impact on the environment. The article argues that to mitigate the adverse impact of humans on water resources, it is imperative to establish a motivational mechanism for shifting from the informal to the formal sector of the economy, simplify the registration process for potential businesses, reduce bureaucratic procedures for conducting business, and enhance the taxation system for businesses. It is stated that in order to implement the state policy in the process of de-shadowing and preventing unauthorised water use, it is necessary to use both incentives and sanctions, fines, and to bring those responsible for water pollution to administrative and criminal liability. In this article, the USA's experience with rational use of water resources, improvement of drinking water quality and its impact on the labour force is studied, and it is proposed to intensify the use of similar methods of control over the use of water resources in Ukraine, namely: environmental expertise, licensing of production activities, application of norms and standards of water use, control of production from the point of view of environmental protection.
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